Thursday, April 23, 2015



Breakfast means to BREAK FAST.  You have not eaten in 10-12 hours.  Your metabolism is sluggish.  Your body is using very little energy.  You've probably been sleeping.

You need to break that fast to get your body moving and your metabolism lit!  You need food.  Yeah, I know, you want to lose weight!  That's great!  But you have to eat to lose weight!  Unlike most addictions, you cannot avoid your addiction.  You have to eat every day. 

Eating breakfast starts your engine.  It gets your body warmed up.  You are letting your body know that rest time is over and it's time to start working again. 

Be sure to include protein in your breakfast.  That is easy to do.  Eggs, protein powder, Greek yogurt.  Protein is so important, especially if you are trying to lose weight.   It helps you feel full and it will keep you from getting hungry much longer than carbs will.

We have all heard for years that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.  It is.  Even when I had blown up to 317 pounds I retained the habit of eating breakfast.   Now, I probably wasn't eating healthy or filled with protein but the habit remained.  It has helped me during the last 18 months of weight loss.

Whether you are on a weight loss program or not, commit to eating breakfast for the next 30 days.   At the end of that time, let me know if you don't feel much better.   I bet you do!

copyrighted 2015
caryn cannatella
Skinny Fiber Sales:

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