Thursday, April 9, 2015



I love my home.  But every time I walk around I find things the contractors didn't do, or didn't complete.  I was an equal opportunity employer.  I had one white, one black and one latino.  None of them completed the job or completed them properly.  I wonder if I had done work for them the way they did for me, if they would have been satisfied and paid me all the money I paid them.  Sometimes I think, "was it because I was a woman?"  I don't think so.  I just think they take short cuts, do shoddy work and don't complete work.  What we called people like this back in the day was unethical.  Of course, political correctness doesn't allow the truth any more.

So, if you are ever in the position to remodel, here are my tips.

1.  Rethink doing it.   Maybe you should just sell your home and build a new home. 

2.  Get references that are not friends of the contractor.

3.  THEY ARE NOT YOUR FRIEND!   No matter what they say!  They work for you.  Treat them like an employee!

4.  If they want money up front, RUN!  They don't have the working capital to do your job.  That’s like a car dealer asking for money up front to pay for the car for you to buy from them. 

5.  Don't let them use your credit card for any materials.  Period.  If you do, don’t be surprised if you find that they bought things for other people while putting used crap in your home.

6.  Everything must be in writing.  Any changes require an addendum. 

7.  If they don't carry liability insurance, DON'T TALK TO THEM.  One contractor flooded my house twice.   A plumber caused two floods in the house.  Neither had insurance.  My insurance had to pay and it put my insurance in jeopardy.

8.  Never, ever pay everything due until every last thing is done.  Once they get your money, trust me, THEY ARE DONE AND GONE!

After spending $80,000 remodeling, I will have to spend at least $20,000 more to redo my wood floors (flooded 4 times during remodel), redo both bathrooms (the master bath has been remodeled twice already and still a mess), correcting all the electrical problems, and then things like replacing the crappy kitchen cabinets (second set) and all the crown molding (don't ask). 

Like I said, I love my home.  It's old (60 years old) and durable.  It has character and it’s mine.  I don't think they build homes like they did back then.  And I can live it in now while I save the money to fix the stuff that wasn't done or wasn't done properly.  But next time will be different.  I am a more educated consumer on this subject. 

I won't be as nice or as accepting.  It will be my way or no money.  They will know and understand that they work for me not the other way around.  Any demands will be made from me; not them.  I know there are honest, ethical contractors out there.  Next time I'll hold out for that or I'll just continue to live in the house as is.

copyrighted 2015
caryn cannatella

Skinny Sales:

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