Tuesday, April 21, 2015



Struggles, struggles, struggles.  We all have them.  And i don't just mean when we are trying to lose weight and get healthy. 

Between January 1 and the middle of March my weight increased 15 pounds.  Not sure why.  Didn't seem to matter what I ate or didn't eat.  My dr wasn't very sympathetic or encouraging.  I thought I might bitch slap her at one point.  lolo

I did a 9 day food cleanse and dropped 9 pounds.  I did another two weeks of a modified cleanse.  Didn't drop a pound.  That is so depressing.  I know some of you can relate. 

So what to do?  I threw the scale back in the closet.  Way in the back.

I decided to go back to what has worked for me.  Low carb; high protein.  And I'm going back to jogging.  I'm going to have to force myself to jog any day it is not raining since it seems to rain Thursday - Sunday here in Houston.

I want to lose at least 30 pounds by November.  I'd really like to lose 45 but I'm not sure that is reasonable.  I don't want to feel defeated before I even get started.  November is when Angie (my best friend’s daughter) is getting married.   I really want to be wearing a size 14 dress by then.  And by wear, I don’t mean looking like a stuffed sausage in it.  I mean wear a size 14 that is loose and flowing.

Thirty total pounds lost is 5 pounds a month or 1.25 pounds a week.   In calories that is 4375 calories less a week.  That's either eating fewer calories or using more calories.  I'll be doing both.

Based on my weight, height, gender and age, I burn 390 calories jogging 30 minutes.  If I jog 5 days a week, that burns 1950 calories in a week.  That leaves 2425 calories I need to eliminate during the week. 

That breaks down to a decrease of 346 a day in my eating.  I don't really count calories since I low carb but I do tend to eat at least 1800 calories a day on average.  According to a calculator I used, to maintain my weight I need to eat 2300 calories a day.  To lose I need to stay under 1839 calories a day.  To see rapid weight loss, I should drop to 1380 calories a day.   And I should get rid of all sharp objects that might be used to hurt people when I'm hungry.  lol

To those of you who are on the weight loss campaign, what are you using?  Do you have a diet or food plan?  Low cal, low carb, whole foods, weight watchers, Skinny Fiber, etc.?   What about exercise?  How much are you doing?  Do you know how much you are burning each time you exercise?

I have calculators that show you how much you are burning when you exercise and how many calories you need to cut from your diet to lose.  If anyone is interested, comment and I will post them.

I’m re-focused and motivated.  I’m back in the saddle again! 

I'm ready, are you?  Come join me!

copyrighted 2015
caryn cannatella
Skinny Fiber Sales:  www.caryncann2.com

Fan Page:  https://www.facebook.com/mylighterside?ref=bookmarks

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