Tuesday, September 22, 2015


Imagine the most beautiful butterfly you have ever seen.  Think about where that butterfly started and what it went through to emerge as a free soaring beautiful butterfly!

It was a caterpillar (ok, I know that's not the proper name but stay with me here).   She ended up in a small dark cocoon.    As time passed that butterfly must have thought, "I was an ugly worm and now I've been hidden away in this tomb!  What a life!"  

It made her so mad that she decided she could and would escape this prison!   No matter how bad her life as a worm was, it was better than this! 

She started to move.  Slowly at first and then more vigorously.   She wasn't quite sure what she was moving but it didn't feel like she was making a bit of progress.   Minute by minute.  Hour by hour.   She struggled to free herself.   It seemed like forever.  She would get tired.   She thought about quitting.  Many times she asked herself, “Is it worth it?”

And then...all of a sudden, she saw light break through!   Just that little bit of movement encouraged her and spurred her on to keep reaching and working towards her goal.    She knew she could break free of this prison!

She noticed that the harder she worked at getting to her goal, the stronger she became.  Soon her tiny world was filling up with light!   And then it happened!

She was free!  She emerged!  Once she had felt like a slug on the ground.  But now!  Now she was beautiful!   Her body was drenched in spectacular colors!  And she had wings!  WINGS!   She started to flap her wings and began to soar!  

She was free to be who she was meant to be!   Not a slug.  Not a worm.  Not a caterpillar.  Not a prisoner.   She was a butterfly!  Beautiful and free!

As she flew she realized that it was her determination, her will power, and her dedication that had brought her goal about.  She never lost sight of her goal,  We are no different than this butterfly.

Which do you choose?  To be a slug, a prisoner or a butterfly?

The choice is yours!

copyrighted 2015
caryn cannatella

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