Thursday, September 17, 2015



I remember after my Daddy died and my mother started dating, we wanted her to go out with white collar men.  Doctors, Lawyers, Indian Chiefs, etc.   Only the best for our Mama.

And who did she bring home?   The bluest of the blue collar workers.   She brought home a plumber.  And married him. 

Yeah, he stunk when he came home from work but he could fixed anything. 

Yes, he wasn't rolling in money but the money he had he spent on her. 

Sure, he didn't look like a movie star and now looks like Santa, but he only had a twinkle in his eyes for her.  

A good man with a good heart.  All wrapped in blue.

She grew up with my daddy.  She grew old with Ed.

I think he might be the reason when men ask me what kind of man I'm looking for, I now say "a blue collar man who can fix anything around the house."

And if he has a million dollars?  That would just be icing on the cake.

copyrighted 2015
caryn cannatella

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