Thursday, September 17, 2015


One of my favorite gospel songs by Andre Crouch!   It makes me want to jump up, raise my arms and dance a little bit!   It just fills me with such joy!

Joy - that elusive feeling so many of us long for and search for.   Sometimes we stand waiting for it to cover us like sprinkles of rain from a downpour.  

It's really much easier than that and you don't even have to wait for it.

Like happiness, joy is a choice.   You can choose every day, every moment to have joy.  Maybe you get joy from music.  TURN IT ON!  Maybe dancing makes you feel joyful!   Get up and move!   I dance around my office all the time.  Sometimes there isn't even any music on. 

Spending time with my best friend, Marisela, and laughing always lifts my spirits and fills me with joy.   If we go several days without getting together, when we see each other we are like 4 year olds!   Jumping up and down, hugging each other and laughing like it’s been years!

You will notice that the more joy you have, the more joy thieves will start lurking around to steal it.   That is the time to allow and embrace more joy.  And remind yourself how much joy you will have when they leave.

There is that tiny seed of joy planted deep within your heart.   Feed it a little today.  Water it.   Love it.  Care for it.   Then watch it bloom and change your life!

copyrighted 2015
caryn cannatella

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