Wednesday, September 30, 2015


Every day we are told by the media about sports figures or celebrities that do something for other people.   We ooh and ahhh over them like we are amazed at their gestures or generosity.  Most of their deeds are reported by their agents or publicists.  It's called free publicity.

Today I'd like to honor Ordinary Heroes.   These are the people that feed the hungry, clothe those who have few clothes, take in orphans or foster children, care for the elderly, mentor a child, call people who are homebound, or send a card to lonely people whose entire day brightens with that mail.  I'm not talking about the government; I’m talking about working folks who dig into their own resources to help.

Just Ordinary People, who take it upon themselves to help others.  Most people don't even know they are doing anything.  Many would guess they do nothing.  No one puts out a news release.   No one oohs and ahs for them.  They are a silent group who just do their good works in private.

Their reward doesn't come from accolades from society.  Their reward comes from the people they humbly serve.   They are uplifted by doing God's work here on earth. 

Don't say you can't do it.  You can.   It just takes doing it.

Be an Ordinary Hero in someone else's life.   The greatest feeling in the world is when you help someone who can never repay you or even do anything for you.  

That is Agape love, the greatest love of all. 

copyrighted 2015

caryn cannatella

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