Thursday, September 10, 2015


Yesterday on my way home I noticed a young woman in a car weaving in and out of her lane, slowing down and speeding up. When I passed her, I saw why. She was texting on a major interstate highway during rush hour traffic going over 60 miles an hour.

I just don't understand people who text and drive. There is nothing and I mean nothing that is so important that one has to endanger your life and those of others because you are texting. And don't give me that crap about "I voice text". You still aren't paying attention to your driving.

What are these people going to do if they cause an accident that ends up in severe injuries and/or death? Do they not understand that a death can result in a charge (and prison sentence) for vehicular manslaughter? If you don't care about us on the road and our families, care about yourself and your family.

Please please please don't text and drive. And if something is so important you just have to text, please exit the freeway, park and text till your heart's desire!

This has been a public service announcement from the people who share the road with you, our families and your family.

copyrighted 2015
caryn cannatella

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