Thursday, June 18, 2015



Most of us have a story to tell about our weight, our struggles and our hopes.  

Between the second and third grade my abdomen grew exponentially to my body. I can remember sitting at my desk with my belly lying on my thighs.  I knew something wasn’t right. 

Third grade was the first time I was put on a diet. It became an ongoing thing as long as I lived at home.  I was called fatty, fatso, etc. Yeah, those words hurt but no more so than hearing people say, “You have such a pretty face, but…..” Oh I knew what was came after that but….BUT YOU’RE FAT!

School was not a happy place. Home was not a happy place. I tried my best to blend into the walls and just not be noticed! Because when you are fat and you get into an argument or confrontation as a kid, you know the ultimate blow will be, “WELL YOU’RE FAT!”   Knock out!  There is nothing to say after that! 

I was a sad girl who tried to get people to love me by giving gifts and making gifts.  I remember one Christmas I had been up until early morning finishing all the beautiful gifts I had made.  Ponchos, shawls, foot stools, trinket boxes, clothes, etc.  I went to bed after opening gifts and didn’t wake up until the meal was already being served.  As I walked into the dining room, I heard my brother say loudly, HURRY AND EAT, HERE COMES CARYN!  I don’t think I even ate that day, but I never forgot the words and they still sting 45 years later.

I began a journey to find that thin person that was locked away somewhere inside my body.  The things I have done to my body in the quest to overcome being fat.  Starvation (fasting 6 days a week and eating one day). Diet pills, every kind that was on the market.  Fad diets.  Weight Watchers.  Nutrisystem.  Counting calories.  Hynosis.  Experimental drugs that nearly killed me.  Even having my stomach stapled.  None of it worked long term.  Back in 1999 and 2000, I decided to eat clean and exercise. I lost about 100 pounds but I was exercising 6+ hours a day.  I wasn’t working then unless you count exercising! Lol

When I hit 60 I decided, I’M DONE!  No more trying to lose weight. No more depriving myself.  No more diets.  No more anything!  I’d just take my chances.

And then Skinny Fiber came along. I thought.  Ok, I’ll try it and if it doesn’t work, I’ll return it and get my money back.  Even though I’m a diabetic and have an almost non-existent thyroid, I have lost about 60 pounds in the past 18 months.  I’m thrilled to be off my blood pressure medicine,  arthritis medicine, and acid reflux medicine.  My thyroid dose has been decreased.  My fibromyalgia is about gone.  I’m on my way to losing more weight and getting to the size I want to be.  Even my dr. is amazed with my progress!

And I move my body!   Walking or jogging.  Dancing like a fool.   I’m moving my body like nobody is watching.  And if they are, in my mind they are all yelling, “YOU GO, GIRL!”

So what is your story with your weight? What struggles have you faced in the battle to lose weight? It doesn’t matter whether it is 10 pounds or 100 pounds, our struggles are the same. 

And know this:   there is hope.   No matter how old or young you are.  No matter how fat you are.  No matter how little you are now moving.   There is hope.  I'm proof of it.

Help someone while you help yourself and share your own story.  Or just put it into words for yourself.  You will be glad you did.  I am.

copyrighted 2015
caryn cannatella

Skinny Fiber Sales:

Weight Loss Support Group:

Wednesday, June 17, 2015




I have watched our society continually view men as throw-away dads.  Have we reached a point in our evolution that men are nothing more than sperm donors for women?

It saddens me that the role and importance of a Dad in a child's life has become no more meaningful than material things that come and go.  Children need their fathers.  Boys learn to be men from their fathers.  Girls learn how to relate to men and how men should treat them from their fathers.

A loving and involved father is one of the greatest gifts a child can have.  The lessons a father teaches are through example, words and deeds. He is there to protect and console in a different way than a mom.  The presence of a father in the home has been shown to reduce the likelihood of a boy joining a gang in his teens or a girl becoming promiscuous.

If you want to know how children crave the attention of a father figure, do this exercise.  Go to your child's (grandchild's or nephew's) school and have lunch.  If you are a mom, join your husband in the exercise. You will experience the emptiness that some children have in their lives.  They will beg you to sit by them, hug them, hold them and talk to them.  The children in your own life will be proud to have you with them at lunch. However, you will see the difference in their reaction to you and that of children where no father is present in the home.

Who needs a Dad?  Every child.  Just ask them.

copyrighted 2000
caryn cannatella

Skinny Fiber Sales:

Tuesday, June 9, 2015



This is a tough pill to swallow no matter your age.  I experienced it as a child, a young adult and even as a senior.  It was true as much in my personal life as it was in my business life.

For whatever reason, some people are just not going to like you.  They don’t want to be your friend.  They don’t want to hang out with you.  They don’t want to talk to you.  And chances are, they won’t even interact with you. 

It can be tough at times.   You meet someone and you admire something about them.  You might even think you have things in common.  You try to interact with them and they look through you like you aren’t there.  Others might tell you “she is so great!  You should get to know her.”  And you are thinking, “I have.  She completely ignored me on 4 (or 5 or 100) different occasions when I attempted to just talk to her.”

You know what you need to do?  Stop trying to please this person or even interact with them.  Not everyone is meant to be your friend or even in your life.

There are over a billion people on this planet.   Just because a few people are rude or plainly don’t want you in their life is just a blip on the screen.   Always go for quality over quantity.  There are plenty of people who will think you are the cat’s meow and better than a bag of chips!  These are the people you want in your life.

If someone acts like they are better than you, let them.   Really, who cares?  No one is worth your time who doesn’t make time for you.   Don’t waste your time calling people who don’t return your calls.  Don’t send messages to people who ignore yours.  Don’t try to hang out with people who make it very clear they aren’t interested.  Realize the truth and move on.  You can't miss a friendship you never had.

Surround yourself with people who not only like you but love you.   Find those who share common interests with you.   Cling to those who have proven their friendship.  You know the ones:  They can talk for hours about nothing.  You spend hours with them laughing.  If you need them at 2am, they are there for you just like you are there for them.

For all the others?  Let them go like water off a duck’s back.  Not everyone wants to be your friend.  Honor those who do and let the rest go.  When you can do that, you will have made peace and will be able to move on.  

It’s a feeling of freedom like no other.  Trust me on that!

copyrighted 2015
caryn cannatella

Skinny Fiber Sales:

Weight Loss Support Group:

Wednesday, June 3, 2015



You know, sometimes I just don't know when I'm hungry or if I'm hungry.   To be honest, I don't think I've ever been hungry in my life but that is another story.

An hour or so ago, I started THINKING, "I'm hungry.  What could I eat low carb?"  Well, I have some sausage that I eat sometimes for breakfast.  I would have loved a bag of Cheetos.   And I could almost taste Tater Tots from Sonic.

Fortunately, I am not able to leave my office once I get here at 4 or 5 in the morning. 

I have my lunch I could eat but it was only 1030 and I had already had my protein shake at 4am and my breakfast around 8.  Was I really hungry?

I looked in the cabinets and saw 4 boxes of oatmeal, some crystal light, and that was about it.   But then I saw two boxes of tea:  Pomegranate and Vanilla Chai.  

One of my favorite drinks from Whole Foods is their Vanilla Chai.   It's not tea.  It tastes like my mother's egg custard.  I know...I'm wandering away from that hunger I thought I was feeling.  I must say a 16 ounce bottle of it will last me a week.  Just one swallow every day or two.   Yummmm

So I decided, let me try drinking some Vanilla Chai tea.   I made me a cup, added a little Sweet Leaf and returned to my desk.   It took me about an hour to finish it and you know what?

When I finished I wasn't hungry.  I wasn't feeling deprived.   I wasn't even thinking about food.

Am I the only one this happens to?   Sometimes I realize I am eating and I feel so full I'm miserable.

Day by day.  Step by step.  Always learning.

copyrighted 2015
caryn cannatella

Skinny Fiber Sales:

Weight Loss Support Group: