Wednesday, June 3, 2015



You know, sometimes I just don't know when I'm hungry or if I'm hungry.   To be honest, I don't think I've ever been hungry in my life but that is another story.

An hour or so ago, I started THINKING, "I'm hungry.  What could I eat low carb?"  Well, I have some sausage that I eat sometimes for breakfast.  I would have loved a bag of Cheetos.   And I could almost taste Tater Tots from Sonic.

Fortunately, I am not able to leave my office once I get here at 4 or 5 in the morning. 

I have my lunch I could eat but it was only 1030 and I had already had my protein shake at 4am and my breakfast around 8.  Was I really hungry?

I looked in the cabinets and saw 4 boxes of oatmeal, some crystal light, and that was about it.   But then I saw two boxes of tea:  Pomegranate and Vanilla Chai.  

One of my favorite drinks from Whole Foods is their Vanilla Chai.   It's not tea.  It tastes like my mother's egg custard.  I know...I'm wandering away from that hunger I thought I was feeling.  I must say a 16 ounce bottle of it will last me a week.  Just one swallow every day or two.   Yummmm

So I decided, let me try drinking some Vanilla Chai tea.   I made me a cup, added a little Sweet Leaf and returned to my desk.   It took me about an hour to finish it and you know what?

When I finished I wasn't hungry.  I wasn't feeling deprived.   I wasn't even thinking about food.

Am I the only one this happens to?   Sometimes I realize I am eating and I feel so full I'm miserable.

Day by day.  Step by step.  Always learning.

copyrighted 2015
caryn cannatella

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