Thursday, May 7, 2015



If you have children you know there are times when you didn't like them much (and they probably liked you less).  When I became a mom, I promised myself that no matter what, I would never let the bond with my child be broken.

No matter how mad or disappointed I was with them, I would never ever close the door and walk away.  I can tell you there were times it was hard but I'm glad I've always kept that cord attached.  There should never ever be a time that a mother's bond to her child is severed.  We are their moms.  No matter what, the door should always be open to our children. 

Now, I'm not saying I'm was always a great mom or even a good one.  There were times (ok, years) that I thought I was the worst mom.  I didn't know what I was doing and I'm sure I did more wrong than right.  But I always loved them and never gave up.  And just like someone reminded me often during the dark times, "you have good kids.  They will be ok.  They will turn out just fine.   It just won't be for a few years."  She was right.  About it all. 

If you don't have a relationship with your child, please consider making an effort.  It just takes a card, a phone call.  Doesn't mean you have to try to be where you once were.  It just means you let them know you love them.  No matter what.

What if your child, the one you loved from the time they were born, died today?  Or you found out they had a very short time to live?  How would you feel?  Life is short and fleeting.  If you haven't told your child you loved them lately, do it today.  If you are close enough to hug them, do it. 

You may think you have a lot of time left because they are so much younger than you.  You never know.  Don't let another day go by. 

Parents shouldn't have to bury their children.  It sucks.  But it happens.  Tell your child or children today that you love them no matter what.  Forgive them for whatever you feel they need to be forgiven for.   Just remember, they are your child.

To my friend who is having to face the reality of her child leaving this world, thank you for reminding me how precious an honor it is to be a mom.  My heart breaks for you but I know your child knows through his whole being that he is loved unconditionally throughout eternity by his mom.

Call your child.  Send that card.  Just three words:  I love you. 

copyrighted 2015
caryn cannatella

Skinny Fiber Sales:

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