Sunday, May 17, 2015



1972.  I graduated from High School the year before.  My Daddy died in the fall.  I had spent a semester living at college.  I saved money over the summer and bought my first car.  It was a 1971 Brown Pinto.  Standard of course because only cool people drove standards and very few girls.  I could and I did.

The next couple of years were full of abandonment.   It was a time of sexual freedom.  Women didn’t fear pregnancy anymore.  We had the pill.  I didn’t know anyone who feared getting Venereal Diseases back then.  That’s what we called Sexually Transmitted Diseases.  We just called it VD.  I never knew anyone who caught VD.  I did hear of a few that caught the crabs but those were usually really nasty people. 

I called that time the coming of age.  Yeah, those were some wild and wonderful days.  Then I met Jim, got married, and had a family.  When we divorced I had already gone through menopause.  I noticed occasionally that the hormones would flare up.  “Hey!  We are still here!  Just been sleeping!”

The last few weeks I’ve had that old familiar feeling.  Now when I was married I could just throw Jim down and have him.  Not really but I could at least get an oil change!

This is more intense.  I’m looking at all men finding something cute about each of them.  In person, commercials, online, everywhere.  I’m even seeing older men and thinking, “Not bad.” 

I’m thinking the last two years of weight loss have done a major tune up and engine over-haul on my model.  Yes, I’m still that 1971 Pinto.  I need someone to test drive me.   And be careful!  You know if you hit a Pinto from behind, you might just start a fire.  Be warned!

copyrighted 2015
caryn cannatella

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