Thursday, May 21, 2015



Do you get overwhelmed?  I do.  Especially when it comes to my house.

Now I do fine running two companies.  Every day I go in and know exactly what I have to do.  I run down my list and get it all down by quitting time.

At home it is a different story.  I always start with good intentions and end up not getting much accomplished.  And then I feel like a failure. 

Now, my house isn't dirty.  It's cluttered.  Not like a hoarder although I had one living in my house for awhile.  lol  I think the problem is I get overwhelmed.  And when I get overwhelmed, I just don't know where to start.  And that's where I get stuck.

Maybe it's that I just hate housework.  My daughter is a great house cleaner.  She can clean my entire house in a couple of hours.  I wish I was like that.  I have a friend and she is like a tornado cleaning her room and bathroom.  When we go out of town, before we leave she is saying "let me clean my room and bath before I leave."  And she does.  I'm satisfied with making my bed and leaving.  And I make my bed every morning and after taking a nap. 

Once I reach that stage of being overwhelmed, I am just stuck like Chuck.  I feel like a spinning top rolling around on the floor and getting nowhere.  I know I'll never be one of those neat freaks.  That is not even a goal or wish.  What I would like is to just have a neat house where the clutter is minimum and I can find everything. 

I've had this once in my life for 5 years.  That's when I had a cleaning lady come in once a week.  She did everything.  My laundry, my ironing, cleaned the entire house, vacuumed, mopped, cleaned the fridge and stove, cleaned the ceiling fans and blinds, dusted, etc.  I loved those 5 years.  And she did it all in 4 hours. 

I was able to maintain that week to week.  Maybe I just need a cleaning lady or to find my Ana and bring her back.

Am I the only one with this problem?

copyrighted 2015
caryn cannatella

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