Tuesday, May 12, 2015



Anyone who has battled being overweight knows that for the most part losing weight is a struggle.  We can go for a month, 6 months, even a year and then one morning we wake up and something inside of us is tired of not being able to eat what we want.

It seems so unfair.  Why can't I have breads, sweets, regular Dr. Pepper, or two servings of anything?  And then there is that skinny person who can eat 4000 calories a day, whose only exercise is walking to the kitchen to eat and they want to tell us what we need to do to lose weight.

Justifiable homicide, I tell ya!  Unless you have dealt with being overweight, you just don't understand how difficult the journey is.  And you should keep your helpful comments to yourself.  Encourage us but don’t criticize or try to give advice.  Please.

Think about it like this:  Take an alcoholic or drug addict.   Tell them:  Now, listen, you have to drink alcohol or your drug of choice every day.  BUT you can only have one drink or dose of your drug.  How many alcoholics or drug addicts do you think would be successful?

But that is what is expected and required of people trying to lose weight.  You have to eat to live.  You just can't eat like most everyone else.  I wish I could just never eat again.  That would be so much easier than dealing with my drug of choice every day:  FOOD. 

I know.  I used to fast for 6 days and then eat on the 7th day.  I found that much easier to handle than the daily battle of food.  Of course, your body shuts down after a couple of weeks you go into starvation mode.  That means you aren't eating and you aren't losing.  That sucks worse than facing food every day.  I don’t mind depriving myself if there is a payoff but when there isn’t, well, that just doesn’t work for me!

It's not easy.  It isn't.  And anyone who tells you it is, is a big fat liar!  I struggle more often than I don't.  I fall down as much as I stand firm.  Some days I just want to give up!  Some days I do.  And then the next day or maybe 2 days later, I decide, again, that I don't want to stay fat and unhealthy.

It's ok to give in to the struggle.  We are human.  Take a break and then get back up on the horse.  Just know that there are millions of us out their facing the challenges daily.  We are your fellow warriors in the fight to lose weight and get healthy!  Come join our Weight Loss Support Group (see link below).  We are here to encourage and support one another!

copyrighted 2015
caryn cannatella

Skinny Fiber Sales:  www.caryncann2.com

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