Sunday, February 15, 2015



Skinny Fiber.  Ya'll have seen the changes it has brought in my appearance over the past 1 ½ years.  No, I didn't drop 100 pounds in 30 days.  My weight loss has been slow and steady.  I've had my ups and downs.  I have hit plateaus and felt like I was marooned on a desert island.  BUT I have kept at it.  I keep taking my Skinny Fiber and when I stumble I get back up and start anew.

The changes in my appearance and health have been awesome and amazing.  But I have to tell you that the changes on the inside of me have been unbelievable.  The first time I met people from the Skinny Fiber family was August 2013.  I was a sad, unhappy, unmotivated person who had given up on many things in life.  I felt like a lump.  I looked like a lump.  And to be honest, I thought I deserved to be treated like a lump.

 I am not that person today.  Anyone who met me or even knew me back then can tell you what a difference there is in me.  Not just my looks.  My outlook.  My attitude.  My thinking.  How I react to things.  How I look at things.  I have people tell me, "you have changed so much since I first met you.  You are not the same person."  And you know what?  They are right!

I'm not.  I have changed from the inside out and the outside in.  The person who was always on the inside looking out has busted the door down and is now living on the outside. 

The best Valentine I got was from someone I went to school with from elementary school through high school.  For those who don’t know, that would be over 50 years ago I first met her!  J  She made a post to me saying that I looked beautiful and happy.  Her words blew my heart up!  I can truly say (and I do often) I am happy.  Happy, blessed and content.

And it all started that day back in July 2013 when I decided, "I'm going to try once more to lose weight."  Change.  Inside out and outside in.  That is what Skinny Fiber has done for me. 

It can do it for you too.  Just decide to try one more time.  You deserve it.  Click here and come join me on this incredible journey!

copyrighted 2015
caryn cannatella

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