Tuesday, February 10, 2015




When you take a new update picture it gives you tangible evidence that you are losing weight even if the scale is standing still.  Sometimes we get so caught up on the numbers that we forget our body does not always reflect the number on the scale when we are losing.  I can tell you that I didn’t lose a pound jogging miles every day.  However, I did build a lot of muscle in my thighs, calves and hips.   And that was reflected in those 3 areas becoming much smaller!

If you take an update picture and can see a difference when you put it side by side with your beginning picture, it can keep you motivated.  The past 6 months has been a trying time for me.  I felt like I was just a blob.    I didn’t feel as healthy (probably cause I wasn’t jogging).  I was tired all the time.  I wasn’t eating as well.  It all takes its toll.

I decided to pamper myself.  Got my nails and toes done.  Then I got a perm, cut and color.  Bought me some new earrings and a blouse or two.  My daughter took my picture and when I pizap’d it, I could really see the difference!  When I look at my new picture, all I can think is “I look darn cute for someone almost 62! 

Don’t get frustrated with slow weight loss or even a plateau.  Just keep eating healthy.  Everyone wants to lose a lot of weight fast.  Trouble is, that weight tends to come back fast.  Doctors and nutritionists will tell you that slow weight loss is best and has a better chance of staying off.

If it takes me 2 or even 3 more years to get to my goal weight, I’m ok with that.  I’ll be the same age whether I lose weight, stay the same or gain weight.  I choose to keep losing.

Do yourself a favor.  Take update pictures every couple of months and pizap them so you can really see the difference in your body.  You will be amazed!

No matter what eating plan you are on, you should take pictures.  And if you need that extra help losing weight, join me and start using Skinny Fiber!  No stimulants; no caffeine.  All natural plant based supplement.  Skinny Fiber has helped me and thousands of others in getting healthy and losing weight.  It can help you too!  www.caryncann.com

caryn cannatella

Skinny Fiber Sales:  www.caryncann.com

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