Wednesday, February 25, 2015



Today I had a meeting with my boss.    As I got up to leave his office, I felt my foot catch on something.  All I could think of is, “I’m caught in his phone cord.”  Of course being the dancer (in my head) that I am, I tried twirling a bit to free myself.  It didn’t work.

You know that feeling when you know you are going to fall.  And it’s seems like it is in slow motion.  It’s coming.  It’s coming.  BOOM!  You hit the floor.  My knees hit the hardest.  And then my face hit.  Fortunately I turned my face to the side.    There I was:  face down, completely prone. 

As I’m lying on the floor in all my glory, my boss jumps up.  “Are you ok?”  Hahahahaha  is what I wanted to say.  Instead I said, “I’ll tell you in a couple of minutes.” 

Now, I’ve fallen on my knees (get your mind out of the gutter) many times.  It has happened so many times that I literally have no cushion in my knees.  My kids know that when Mom falls, they have to get a pillow to go under my knees so I can rise.

Well, there are no cushions in our office.  I kept thinking, “what is here that I could put under my knees so I can get up?”  All I could think of was my Texans T-shirt draped over the visitor chair in my office.  Don’t even ask why that was in my office.

My boss is very concerned with the phone cord.  “That cord has been like that for years.  How did that happen?”  “I guess I just caught my foot in it.”  “But why today?  It’s never happened before?”  “I don’t know, maybe I’m supposed to be celebrating you coming in twice in two days.”  He says, “What do you want me to do?”  “Just push your chair in front of me and stand behind it.  I’ll pull myself up.”

I finally got my lusciousness up.  I almost laughed out loud thinking about what I must have looked like getting up and then I thought, “thank goodness I wasn’t wearing a skirt or dress.”

My knees are scraped, my ankle hurts, and even my rib cage hurts.  I’m not too sore but who knows what tomorrow will bring?  Hopefully, I will be pain free.  I have a lunch date!

What’s the point of all this you ask?  Incidents like today are the reason why I wasn’t named Grace.

copyrighted 2015
caryn cannatella

Skinny Fiber Sales:

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