Friday, September 5, 2014



Today, September 5th, marks the 43rd anniversary of my Daddy’s death.

He was a very slender man growing up.  When he married, it definitely agreed with him.  Up until he was about 35, he was fat.  I mean really fat!  He was only 5’8” and he must have weighed 250 or more.  He was a preacher and about 1960-61, we started building a new church building.  “We” being the men of the church.  They all put in time on that building that still stands and is used.

We only had one car which my mother took to work.  So Daddy walked to the new church building and back every day, which I’m guessing was about 5 miles each way.  He worked on the building all day long.  Ate breakfast and took a sack lunch.  There was no eating fast food back then.  Over about 4 months he dropped to about 165-170.  His weight never fluctuated after that.  When I think about him exercising it still makes me laugh.  He would do bend overs and twist from the waist.  I doubt either exercise did much for him.  lol  If you had ever seen him, you would know why.  But he did them.  Every day.  Morning and night.  He was consistent.

So in honor of him, his weight loss and the 10 years he kept it off, I am going to do this.  From now, Sept 5 until Sept 30, anyone who places an order for Skinny Fiber (even re-orders) will receive a snack pack from me.  These snack packs are healthy, organic, and perfectly portioned.   I will have them mailed directly to you.  It’s my way of saying thank you and congratulations on your decision to get healthy.

You can check them out here at  I have an order coming in soon for myself and I’m so excited!  I’ll let you know what I think.

I’m always so happy when a new person joins the Skinny Body family.  Since I have been losing weight, I just want everyone to join me and make this their last weight loss journey too.

Here’s to you, Daddy!  You set the example way back in 1961!  It took me awhile but I’m following in your footsteps!

Order your Skinny Fiber here: and then send me your mailing address so I can get you a snack box mailed out! 

copyrighted 2014
caryn cannatella

Skinny Fiber Sales:

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