Saturday, September 6, 2014



Have you ever experienced depression?  I don't mean feeling a little down.  I mean deep depression where a flat tire or a nuclear war have the same effect on you and your brain.  I lived with that kind of depression for over 2 decades. 

I found things that helped ME and in the last 3 years I have not had one episode of depression.  First, and I'm only talking about me, not you or anyone else.  Medication never worked for me.  It took the edge off a little but I never felt normal or not depressed.

The first thing I discovered was that when I went outside in the sun, my depression lifted.  It didn't go away but it lifted.  However, it was so tough just getting dressed and going outside.  I would have to make myself even though I knew it would make me feel better. When you are depressed you just prefer a dark room all by yourself.

The second thing I discovered was that exercise really made a difference.  Any kind of exercise.  Again, when you are in a depressed state, going out and exercising is difficult.  But when you do it, the endorphins release in your brain and it does lift the depression.  When I first started an exercise routine back in 2000, I was amazed how my depression lifted.  I had never had the success with medication that I got during that year of exercise.

And the last thing I discovered was about 3 years ago.  I had long periods of depression and then times when it was there but not so bad.  I could feel myself start spiraling into that black abyss.  It was just so easy to slide down into the darkness.  I made a conscious decision that I was going to fight the spiraling.  When I would start spiraling I would isolate myself.  Stop communicating with my friends.  Stay inside unless I had to go out, like work.  And then to get out of the bottom of that pit, I'd have to fight and claw my way back out.  It's a vicious cycle.

When I would feel a spiral coming on, I made myself contact my friends.  I made myself go outside.  I would tell myself, "You can spiral for only 24 hours and then you have to start interacting again."  Was it easy?  NO.  Did it always end after 24 hours?  Not in the beginning.

But I started doing it.  Each time a spiraling event happened, it got easier and lasted less time.  One day I realized that I had not had a spiraling incident in over a year.  Now it has been over 2 years.  I truly believe I retrained my brain.

Now, that I am jogging, I find that being out and exercising has helped me even more.  When I'm hurt or mad, I think about going out and jogging.  Even when my ex-husband, Jim, passed away, it was different.  Yes, I'm still grieving and I'm very sad.  But I'm NOT depressed. 

I'm not saying people shouldn't take anti-depressants.  You should do what works for you.  But while you take medication, try going outside.  Try exercising.  I prefer holistic approaches to chemical ones.  That is just me.  But even when I take medication, I try holistic approaches too.

I can tell you that these 3 things have made such a positive difference in my life.  Maybe they will help you too.

copyrighted 2014
caryn cannatella
Skinny Fiber Sales:

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