Thursday, September 18, 2014



We all have wishes.  These are the things we want in our lives that can happen randomly with no effort on our part. 

You know how wishes are.  Those are the things that we want but we don’t want to work for.  I wish I was thin.  I wish I was rich.  I wish I owned a house.  I wish I had a better car.   Wishes are the lowest rung on the ladder of success.

A couple of rungs up from that are dreams.  Dreams are more active.  You think about them.  You may even visualize them.  You don’t necessarily work towards them but you can.  Dreams are lofty but still much more achievable than a wish.

Keep going up that ladder a few more steps and you will find believing.   Believing takes faith and energy.  Believing is active and you have to participate.  Some people think you can believe yourself to anything.  From my experience just believing will not make things happen.   I remember once being told, “just believe whatever it is you want!”  I tried it for a while and here is what I found out.  You can believe something all you want, like “I believe my house is clean.”  However, until you get up and put some action behind that belief, you just have empty words and a dirty house.

What really works is to have a dream and believe in that dream no matter what.  Then make a plan of action to bring your goal to fruition.  When you do this, believing becomes so important.    Especially during the times when nothing seems to be moving forward, you become frustrated and sometimes want to quit!  I have a saying that I say aloud very often:  “I see with my heart what my eyes cannot yet see.” 

I can tell you from my experience that dreaming, believing and putting an action plan in place does work.  Sometimes it works quickly.  Sometimes it takes more time.  And when you become frustrated, add a little more commitment.  When you put commitment into the mix you are telling yourself and the world, I’m here to stay.  I’m in it to win it!  I’ll never give up, no matter what my circumstances seem.

When you do these things, you will take your wish all the way up the ladder to success and over to the end of the rainbow.  What was once just a wish will become a reality.  Then you will truly see your dream become your life.  Try it!  It really does work!

copyrighted 2014
caryn cannatella

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