Friday, August 29, 2014



For those of you who have never been overweight, you probably won't understand this.  For those who have, well, I hope this will encourage and inspire you.

Anyone who hangs out with me much can tell you that I have to pee a lot.  Probably because of all the water I drink.  It's like I have to go to every bathroom anywhere I go.

But here was the problem.  The regular bathrooms are small and the door opens inward.  Getting in or out was tight and uncomfortable.  Also the toilets are low to the floor, which makes getting up difficult for an overweight person.  And when your a big person trying to do your business, well, it's difficult to maneuver in those little stalls! 

So, I always opted for the handicapped.  They are bigger, the door opens out (which all stalls should have) and the toilet is higher off the ground.  But I can tell you, most people do not consider fatness to be worthy of a handicapped stall.

Before I entered the dr's office today, I, of course, had to use the bathroom.  You never know if that last time will reduce your weight!  lol  I went in a regular stall and was just amazed!  No problem going in or out.  I was able to get up and down with ease.  Taking care of my business was nothing!  When I left the stall to wash my hands, I looked in the mirror and realized something.

I am just normal.  What a great feeling that was!

copyrighted 2014
caryn cannatella

Skinny Fiber Sales:

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