Friday, August 1, 2014



We all do.  However, it is very difficult to eat out all the time and lose weight.  There are several reasons why and I’m gonna tell you what they are!  I have friends tell me how they want to lose weight and then they eat out 4-6 times a week and usually at unhealthy restaurants.  I’m sorry to be the one to tell but you will not lose weight.

First, you don’t know what goes in the food you eat at fast food places or even restaurants!  And you certainly don’t know how many calories you are consuming!  I heard just this morning that one of the burgers at Red Robin has 3500 calories!  3500 CALORIES!!!!  That is 2 ½ days for me in one meal!  No thanks!  A 4 piece steak finger basket at DQ has 1600 calories!  Go ahead and eat it if you must!  But realize you shouldn’t put another thing (but water) in your mouth until the following day!  Oh, and these totals don’t include a sugary drink!  Besides all the calories you consume, you are not going to feel good.  Most restaurants don’t use fresh whole foods.  I know I know!  There are a few who do but trust me they still have dishes with umpteen calories and you know those ooey gooey selections are the ones we fat people want!

When you are trying to lose weight you should eat at home for the most part and cook your meals for breakfast and lunch to take with you.  When you cook, you know what ingredients you are using.  You don’t have to guess about any secret ingredients that will wreck whatever eating program you are on.  Also when you cook at home, you can use whole foods.  Real foods.  Foods that aren’t processed and full of chemicals.  Food that your body naturally knows how to break down and digest.

The last thing is portion control.  Most meals at restaurants are not portioned for one meal.  When I do eat out, the first thing I do when my meal arrives is ask for a to-go box.  Then I take half the food and put it in the carton to take home.  I only eat half of what I ordered for my meal.  I might not know exactly how many calories are in the meal or what “extras” were added, but I know I have cut the calories by half!  Sometimes I actually get 3 meals out of their one serving!

Now, I admit it is much easier for me to do this since I started taking Skinny Fiber over a year ago because it helps me feel full faster.  However, I portion my breakfast and lunch servings when I cook them at home.  I don’t want to guess.  I want to know that when I eat a bowl of homemade chili for lunch it is only 1 cup.  And trust me that takes some getting used to!  Find you a container and fill it with 8 ounces.  I’m betting it’s not what you are used to eating.  I know I was shocked! 

Eating is not supposed to be a sport to stuff ourselves until we are so miserable we can hardly walk!  It is to nourish our bodies and give us energy.  Staying away from restaurants and fast food places helps.  So does buying whole foods and cooking at home.

If you are truly serious about losing weight, start out by only eating what you prepare at home.  You’ll save money and lose weight!

copyrighted 2014
caryn cannatella

Skinny Fiber Sales:

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