Wednesday, August 6, 2014



I have been on this losing weight spinning wheel for 53 years.  My first diet was when I was 8 years old and in the third grade.  It doesn’t matter how it started or what caused it.  What matters is the damage that the extra weight has caused to me physically, emotionally and mentally.  At 61 I am finally figuring it out and learning how to change it to be lose weight, become healthy, and get fit.

I tell you this to let you know I have been there.  I have done it all.  I have tried everything to lose weight.  Just not the right way.  Whatever you are feeling, I have felt it.  Whatever you have been through, I have been there.  Whatever you wish for your life, I have shared those same wishes.  Whatever excuses you have made for not losing weight, I have made them and probably more.

Now, I’ll tell you.  I’ve never been a big eater at meals.  I’ve always eaten small portions and rarely had seconds.  But meals were not my downfall.  My downfall was those times alone, in my bedroom, with no one around.  I’m a secret eater.  Yeah, I’ve eaten 36 homemade cookies in a few hours and then made another batch so no one would know.  I’ve opened a pound of M&M’s and before I knew it the bag was empty.  I lied to myself.  Over and over.

And that was not the only problem.  I could always find an excuse to eat.  There is always one.  Someone hurt my feelings.  I’m mad.  I’m happy.  I’m sad.  I don’t have a man in my life.  I can’t stand the man in my life.  I wish I had children.  My children are driving me crazy.  Someone died.  I’m ugly.  I have pretty eyes.  I’ll start a diet after the holidays.  I’m having surgery. 

Whatever you tell yourself to justify overeating, it’s just an excuse.  Really what it comes down to is that we think we deserve to stuff our faces no matter how many calories it is and no matter what the reason is.  Truly, we don’t have to have a reason or an excuse.  We just have to have some food available at the time.  And how many times have you gotten in your car (cause us fat people don’t walk) and driven to a fast food restaurant, an ice cream place or even the grocery store to pick up something that you could eat just because?  I have.  Too many 100’s of times to count.

And then, we wonder why we are fat.  Well, not really.  We know why we are fat but we choose to act like we don’t.   We know.  Deep down in that black hole we keep trying to fill with food, we know.   At some point when you are alone and quiet, you know the truth.

Each of us has to decide when we are tired of lying to ourselves and ready to face the truth.  For me that came when I started taking Skinny Fiber and began to lose weight.  The more I tweaked my food, the more I lost.  The more I moved, the more my body changed.  I decided to leave the excuses behind.  If I overeat on occasion I just admit it, forget it, and get back on my plan within 24 hours.  It isn’t the occasional overeating that’s the problem.  It’s the choosing to live there that is.

Decide for yourself if you have been making excuses to justify overeating and then trying to ignore the truth.  If you have you need to make peace with your decision or you need to decide to make a change.  If you want to change, contact me.  We can get healthy and lose weight together.  I’m living proof.

copyrighted 2014
caryn cannatella

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