Tuesday, August 26, 2014



How would you feel if your child decided to change their name?

My son wants to change his name.  He wants to drop his first name, change the spelling of his middle name and only use that name with his last name.  He promised his dad he would wait until he passed since his dad gave him his first name.

To be honest, it doesn't matter to me.  Whatever makes him happy.  And how could his dad or I say anything when we both changed our names?  Jim's was legally changed; I changed mine 30 years ago but not legally.  Even family members used our new names.

The only reason I put (Debby Moore) on my Facebook page is so the people I knew as a kid would recognize who I am now.  I was never a Debby.  In fact, it just sounds so odd when someone (even a dr) refers to me by that name.  From the minute I decided to go by Caryn, I have always felt at home.  The only people who refer to me as Debby/Debra are the government, or anything legal.  Even my friends of more than 40 years call me Caryn.  Jim was the same way.  He was never a Mike; he was always a Jim.  My boss thinks it is funny to sometimes call me "Debra".  When he does, I just call him by his brother's name.  He gets the point. 

So, Cody Javier, if you want to change your name to Xavier, I'm good with it.  I know he feels that Xavier fits him and that's all that matters to me!

copyrighted 2014
caryn Cannatella

Skinny Fiber Orders:  www.caryncann.com

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