Wednesday, August 27, 2014



I know this has happened to all of us. Someone is having a bad day and they start saying just the worst things to you about you. Their words hurt. You feel like you are doing great. Or you did until they started talking. Instead of supporting you they choose to tear you down.
When they leave and you can breathe again, just sit in quiet for a minute. Think about the words they used as weapons against you. Were they truly about you or were they just projecting their own insecurities and failings onto you.
I can tell you, it hurts to be on the receiving end. Especially if the person spewing it is a person you love and one who is suppose to love you.
Words can hurt. Words can destroy. Words can leave scars that never show and never heal. Be careful. Sometimes when you are using such harsh words, the person you should be directing them to is the person who lives in your mirror.

copyrighted 2014
caryn cannatella

Skinny Fiber Sales:

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