Friday, October 24, 2014



I wish I could teach overweight people what it has taken me 53 years to learn.

There is no magic pill.  There!  I said it!  That is the child in you using magical thinking.  When you are a child you can apportion responsibility to others.  But when you become an adult, all the responsibility lies with you and you alone.  You are the only one who can change what you eat.  Are there products that can help you lose weight?  Yes, and I found a great one in Skinny Fiber.  Because of its ingredients, it has helped me become so much healthier aside from the weight loss. 

I always had reasons (excuses) why I was overweight.  Whatever the reason was, it wasn’t my fault.  My favorite was “I don’t really eat that much”.    Which was true, if you added “at meals”.    I have always been a secret eater.   I don’t eat much at meals but if I’m by myself, I can put the food away.

Another favorite was “I have slow metabolism”.  True, my metabolism was slow but I did nothing to help it.  I lived on carbs and diet soda and my exercise consisted of getting up and going to the kitchen!

I loved this one.  “I have a longer intestine than most people.  The food stays in there longer so I absorb more calories.”  Sounds great and of course, it succeeded in the responsibility for being overweight placed on a part of my body instead of me.

I would proclaim, “I eat healthy.”  Well, I did like fruit and did eat some vegetables.  But having an extra large pizza topped with lots of vegetables and eating the whole thing is not really eating healthy.

Losing weight is not an overnight journey.  Gaining it wasn’t and neither is losing it.  If you truly want to lose weight and keep it off, then you have to make changes.  Skinny Fiber provided the impetus for me to start my last weight loss journey that is more like a leisurely walk than a sprint. 

First you have to decide that all the excuses are going to be placed in the garbage.  You have to own responsibility for your own body.    You have to believe that you are worthy and deserve to be healthy.  Then you have to start making better choices.  You don’t have to do everything at once.  When I started Skinny Fiber, the only journey I was on was to prove them wrong and get my money back.    The only thing I changed was drinking 150 ounces of water daily and taking 2 Skinny Fiber capsules twice a day.  I did that for an entire month.  I ate whatever I wanted but I stopped when I started feeling full.

After seeing that I had lost 10 pounds the first month, I knew I could do this.  The days turned in to weeks and the weeks into months.  I started making better choices about my food and food intake.  I have learned to listen to my body.  Unfortunately for me, my body does not digest or process carbs very well.  Now that doesn’t mean I never eat carbs.  I do but not every day and when I eat them, it is in moderation. 

When you lose weight slowly, like you probably gained it, your body adjusts.  Even when you do overeat on occasion, you probably won’t gain a pound.  Now if you go on a food fest for a week, well, you know what happens.

All my life I wanted that magic pill; that magic something.  I remember after losing about 40 lost pounds, I just got it.  There is nothing and I mean nothing magical that is going to take the fat away.  The magic is in you.  Once you realize that, you will be empowered.  You will know that you can change your weight, your health and your life.  Could I have done it without  Skinny Fiber?  I doubt it.  I’ve never been able to in the past.  But I get it now.  It’s about responsibility.  Being responsible for taking my Skinny Fiber, for drinking my water, for moving my body and for the choices I make regarding my food. 

And when I do that, do you know what happens?  MAGIC!  My life has become magical.  The magic truly is in me.  And it is in your too!  If you need help getting on the path to finding the magic in you, contact me.  I will help you wherever you are.  Choose to find the magic in you and become that healthy person that already lives in you and is yearning to break free!

copyrighted 2014
caryn canntalla

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