Wednesday, October 15, 2014



How many times have you resisted change because you knew you wouldn’t or couldn’t do it perfectly?  I know I have, especially when it came to weight loss.   My thought was “I’ve tried before and I always failed.”  I always failed because I always quit!  I always quit because I wasn’t perfect. 

This morning I heard someone say “imperfect progress”.  It immediately resonated with me.  I have never used that term but I certainly know that is what I have been doing for the last 15 months.  When I started my last weight loss journey with Skinny Fiber I decided I would be doing it differently this time.

I realized that I couldn’t be perfect.  I knew that I would “cheat”.  I changed the way I approached this journey.  No food was off limits.  If I wanted it, I would eat it but in moderation.  I admit, there have been a few times that I wanted it, I ate it and it wasn’t in moderation.  BUT HERE IS THE DIFFERENCE!  I didn’t beat myself up over it.  I tried to figure out what made me overeat when I wasn’t hungry.  And the most important thing I did was I didn’t quit!  Nope, the next morning I was back on my program.  This has kept me sane and on track for these past 15 months.  I have never stayed on any weight loss plan more than 6 months.  EVER.  And I’ve been doing this weight loss thing for 53 years.

There is no perfect change because we aren’t perfect.  What we can have is imperfect progress.  Sure we fall.  But all we have to do is get back up and start anew.  That is the difference in failure and success.  As long as you get back up, you have progress.  It might be imperfect progress but it is progress just the same.  If you stick with it, you will reach your goal.  How I wish I had learned this decades ago.  But I’m learning it now and it has brought me freedom in this journey and this journey is bringing me freedom in my life.

This works no matter what the change you are trying to make.  It doesn’t matter if it is weight loss, finances, a career, school, etc.  Try it and see!  Reach your goal with imperfect progress.  You will definitely get there.

Why don’t you join me in my imperfect progress of my last weight loss journey with Skinny Fiber?  It could be your last weight loss journey too.  And if you don’t need to lose weight, then join me in my imperfect progress of building my own business with Skinny Fiber.  Just click the link below for either.

copyrighted 2014
caryn cannatella
Skinny Fiber Sales:

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