Tuesday, October 14, 2014



Are you just wishing or do you really want to accomplish something?  If you have a goal, you have to have a plan on how to reach it.  Yes, you may stumble along the way, but then you just go back to the plan.

How many times do we all say things like, "I wish my house was paid off."  "I wish I weighed 100, 50, 25 pounds less."  "I wish I could go to college."  "I wish I had another job."  "I wish I could retire."  We all do it.  Wishing is like so many other things we do in our life.  It's a waste of our time.

Put that time to better use.  When you wish for something, decide if it is important enough to you to actually want to do it.  If it is, then set it as your goal.  Write it out!  And then set smaller goals to get you to that main goal.  It's difficult to set a goal that is in the future when you cannot see progress of smaller goals along the way.

Here is how I started saving over a decade ago.  I had no savings and had never saved a penny.  I wished I could save 10% of what I brought home.  One day I got a raise at work.  It was $6 a week.  My friend Debi said, "what are you gonna do with all that money?  But a dozen donuts?"  lol 

What I decided to do was save it.  And so I did.  Each week I would put that $6 in savings.  It grew slowly but for the first time in my life, I had a savings account.  Then I paid a credit card off.  I was paying the minimum plus the interest each month.  That gave me about $16 more each week.  I added that to the $6 and now I was saving $22 a week.

I now save more than 10% of my income.  It is a great feeling to look in my savings account and see money.  When an emergency comes up I no longer have to decide, "do I fix my car or do I pay my electric bill?" 

This process works for any goal.  I did the same procedure when I wanted to start tithing.  It worked when I started jogging.  All it takes is choosing a goal, writing it down with smaller goals, and then putting your plan in action.

Once you do that, your goal is no longer just a wish.  It's a plan that you can accomplish.

copyrighted 2014
caryn cannatella
Skinny Fiber Sales:  www.caryncann.com

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