Friday, July 31, 2015


Every Friday I pick up two cheeseburgers, fries and a large coke from Macdonalds. It costs me $4.36.

I take it a mile down the road to a busy intersection. He is always there. It's his corner. I figure he is in his 40's but he looks like a 60 year old man who has had a hard life. His right foot looks like it was broken at the ankle and never set It's difficult for him to even walk.

I know he is homeless. He always has that backpack with everything he cherishes stuffed inside.

Both streets are very busy. I always honk and pulled to the side. He hobbles over as I roll the window down. Today I hand him the bag and drink. "God bless you ma'am. I can't tell you how hungry I am. Thank you so much." I always watch him take it back to where he was standing. He takes his time opening the bag and laying everything out.

I'm always amazed by his gratitude. $4.36. I probably misplace more than that in change every week.It reminds me to be grateful for every thing, large and small, that is in my life.

It is up to us to help the less fortunate. And there are oh so many in our country who do. Not the government. Not programs. US. Americans. It's part of our DNA.

Love your neighbor as yourself. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

Are we our brothers' keeper? I think we are.

And there is just no better feeling than the joy of giving to someone you know can never do anything for you. Giving helps others but it helps the giver more.

You can never out give God. He will always return it. Shaken. Pressed down. And overflowing.

It takes so little to individually help someone who is less fortunate than we are. The blessings are overwhelming.

I challenge everyone to be a blessing to someone this week who just needs a little help.

copyrighted 2015
caryn cannatella

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