Sunday, July 5, 2015


I'm going to tell you a secret about weight loss.   No, I haven't perfected it but I know it will help determine your success or lack of success.   At least it does for me. 

You have to plan your food.  That's right!  You can't just wait till you are hungry to decide what to eat.  If you do, the chances are you will grab an unhealthy snack, go to a fast food place or eat more than you should.

Plan your meals for a week.
Make a grocery list around those meals.
Choose a day or an evening and prepare your breakfasts and your lunches for the week, especially  if you work.
Keep a drawer in your fridge that is just for your foods.  Let the kids and family have the rest of the fridge but that one drawer is YOURS!
Keep your fruits and cut up veggies there.  Have some extra protein servings there.  When you are hungry, go to your drawer.

When I don't plan that is when I fall off my food plan.

Now, I know a lot of people losing weight want everyone to think that everything is hunky dorey every day.  IT ISN'T!!  Yes there are times we eat unhealthy.  Yes, there are times we overeat.  Yes, we even gain a few pounds.  But we keep getting back on track instead of giving up. 

I don't know anyone who doesn't mess up while losing weight.  No one.  If they don't admit it, well, they are in denial.  lol

That is why you need to plan.  Planning is the key to staying on your food plan!

As long as I have food for making my meals, prepare some of my meals for the entire work week and have my drawer stocked, I will stay on plan.  If I don't, I'm likely to be eating something that is unhealthy for me.   And for me that is carbs.  Lots and lots of carbs.  

My weight loss stops.  My blood sugar rises.   I get fatigued.  I have no energy.

That 2 hours a week planning and preparing makes it so much easier.  I don't think about what I'm going to eat.  It's already determined.

So, now you know.  Planning and preparation is the key.  Give up a couple of hours of TV or internet or playing games.  Your body will thank you.  You'll feel better and you'll lose weight. 

It works for me!

copyrighted 2015
caryn cannatella

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