Tuesday, March 17, 2015



Are you tired of being overweight?  Whether it is 10 pounds or 100 pounds, most of us want to take off the extra weight and get healthier.

And if you are like me, you know what to do.  I probably know as much about food as a nutritionist.  After 50+ years of dieting, I know the caloric content of most any food I eat.  I know how to exercise.  I know the basics.

So what is the problem?  Sometimes we just need that extra little help that motivates us to get started and keep going.  That's what I needed 18 months ago.  And that's what I still need! 

You are no different than me or anyone else.  We have all the knowledge.  I have probably been a patient of 30 weight loss drs.  They have all the answers.  And every one of them was FAT.    We are no different than all those drs.  Knowledge will not make you lose weight.  Action will.

This is one of the reasons I love Skinny Fiber.  No, it is not a magic pill.  No, it won’t make you lose 30 pounds in 30 days.  No, you can’t eat like a little pig and expect to lose weight when you take it.

BUT!  It will help suppress your appetite.  It will help with your metabolism.  It will help with your digestion.  And it will help prepare your body to lose weight.  Will it make losing weight a breeze and something you can do without thinking about?  Not completely but it will help.  Will you lose inches even when the scales scream at you, YOU ARE STILL FAT!  LOOK AT THE NUMBERS ON THE SCALE!  Yes, you will lose inches even when the numbers don’t move as quickly as you would like.

I’ve been on the diet train for more years than I’ve been off of it.  There are days that I do great and eating healthy isn’t a struggle.  But let’s be honest here.  Losing weight has its days of struggles.  If it didn’t, well, you know.  None of us would be fat.  That’s the truth.

Skinny Fiber is a supplement that will help you lose weight.  It will help you with your appetite.  It will assist you with your metabolism.  It will improve your digestive system.  It will help you stay focused.  It can improve your sleep.  As you lose weight you will have more energy.  More energy means movement is easier.  More movement means more calories burned.

It’s one big process.  None of it is a stand alone deal.  In 1979 I had my stomach stapled.  I lost about the same amount of weight I have lost with Skinny Fiber.   After a year, the weight started coming back.  It wasn’t long before I had gained it all back and more.

Skinny Fiber is a tool.   It can help you.  But it will not do all the work for you.  There is nothing, and I mean nothing, that is going to magically transform you from an overweight person to a healthy weight person.  You have to have skin in the game.  It has to be important enough to you that you choose to commit to it.  You have to want it enough that you are willing to take that journey no matter how long it takes.  If it takes two years, so what?  In two years you will be 2 years older.  You can be two years older and be the same size you are now (or larger) or you can be two years older and be a lot slimmer.  The choice is years.  But either way, you will be two years older.

I have struggles even after 18 months of using Skinny Fiber and losing weight.  There are times that I just want to eat 2 servings of something or even 3.  Sometimes I do.  Then I feel terrible.  I feel like I’m a failure.  It’s just something that many of us have to face on a regular basis.   Sometimes we just have to face the facts.  We are never going to be able to eat anything and everything we want or as much as we want and have a healthy weight. 

So what should we do?  Give yourself a chance.  Try Skinny Fiber.  What if it works for you?  Decide to dedicate 3 months to losing weight and getting healthy.  That’s what I did and for the first time ever in my life, I have consistently lost weight.  Is everyday a success?  No, but more days than not are.

Come join me on my last weight loss journey to health and fitness.  Once you are on the path you will find out what I have.  The only magic to losing weight is YOU.  You are all the magic you need. 

Step out in faith and give yourself another chance.  It worked for me.  It’s worked for thousands of others.  It can work for you too!  Let’s do this together!  Order your Skinny Fiber here:  www.caryncann.com

copyrighted 2015
caryn cannatella

Skinny Fiber Sales:  www.caryncann2.com

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