Thursday, March 19, 2015



When my kids were little I admit I allowed them to be creative.  Some would say to the extreme.   Even before my kids were born, I cherished the creativity of children.  In our first townhouse we left a wall blank in the dining room.  This wall was where my nieces and nephews could draw pictures and leave messages.  It was so cool.

When we moved into our first house it was really nice.  We loved it.  When Ashlie was 18 months old she began to draw.  She chose the walls in the foyer as her canvas.  At first I was just livid!  My first home!  Why did she have to do this?  One day my brother said, “Let her draw on them!  It’s just paint!”  And she did.  By two she was watching Pappy on Public TV and becoming a great little artist.  She still is to this day.

Cody’s creativity came out in writing.  He had severe problems reading until I bought him his first Harry Potter book.  The more he read, the better his writing became.  Couple that with his very imaginative and creative stories he loved to tell and you have a budding author on your hands.  I fully expect him to become a published author someday.

I tell you this to give you a little background.  Before Ashlie and Cody started to kindergarten, my nephew Franklin stayed with me during the day.  One day I told the kids we were going out shopping and to get ready.  When I called them to the door, I wish you could have seen them.  Franklin was in a Batman costume.  Cody was in a Spiderman costume.  Ashlie was wearing a red one piece swimsuit.  They were all wearing cowboy boots.  Ashlie had tied a towel around each of their necks.  And, of course, they were all wearing black sunglasses.  They were HEROES.

What was a mom to do?  I stifled a giggle and said, “c’mon and get in the car!  Ya’ll have crime to fight!” 

It’s ok to be creative.  It’s ok if you are different.  It’s ok if you stand out in a crowd.  Embrace your uniqueness.  Let the artist in you come out.   Do something that makes you feel like a kid but might make others stare at you.  So what?  Feel that freedom again.  It will make you feel alive!  Trust me!

copyrighted 2015
caryn cannatella

Skinny Fiber Sales:

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