Thursday, April 21, 2016


Since the flood this past Monday, the inside of my car has a very musty smell to it.  This morning on the way in to work, I remember something my friend Kathy told me when I visited her in February.  We were in her greenhouse.   "Be careful.  There is a snake in here."   "How can you tell?"  "You can smell snakes."  "What do they smell like?"  "Musty."

Here I am going down the freeway this morning thinking, "Maybe there is a snake in my car and it emits that musty smell when I get in it."

Of course, it is 5:30 am, it's pitch black outside and inside my car.  I can't look around.  I'm going down that freeway doing 65 (the speed limit) and trying not to be run over by the people driving 90 mph.

Sure, I could turn on the inside lights but so what? Ok, I did turn them on. But so what? I can't look around the floor, under the seats and such while I'm driving!

I think, how could a snake get into my car.  I figured through the bottom of the engine.  Then I remembered that man from church when I was a kid.  I think it was DL Freeman but I'm not sure.  It could have been Houston Davidson.  He told a story of driving and feeling something crawling up his pants leg.  He shook his leg and out fell a SNAKE!

So now I'm thinking:  The snake came in through the engine.  He might slither or fall out on my foot or leg.  What if it is poisonous?  How could I even tell?  It's dark in here!

What if it bites me?  Could I tell if it was poisonous by the bite?  I don't know!  I don't like snakes so I know little about them.  If I got bitten, what could I do?  I'm driving down the freeway at 65 mph!

I finally reached the convenience store by my office.  I got out.  Looked around the inside and saw no slithering snake.

When I returned to the car, the musty smell was gone.  I'm left wondering:  Did the snake escape the car, did it get used to me and stop emitting that musty smell or was there ever a snake to begin with?

I don't know but I'm blaming Kathy for telling me that!  If she hadn't, I would have assumed it was just some water that got into my car somehow since there was nothing wet left in my car.

Yes, this is my life and this is how my brain works.  Not occasionally.  Every day.  24 hours a day.  It doesn't save the world but it does keep me entertained.

Copyrighted 2016
Caryn Cannatella


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