Wednesday, April 13, 2016


Gay marriage is legal.  Abortion is legal.  Drinking alcohol is legal.  Gambling in many states is legal.

Now, you & I might not approve or believe in any of these things and that is our right.  But you don't have the right to try to impose your beliefs on others in these 4 areas.

All 4 are legal. And all 4 give you the right to:  1. Not be gay or marry someone of the same sex.  2. Not get an abortion.  3. Not purchase or drink alcohol.  4. Not gamble in states which allow it.

Once the Supreme Court has ruled, it is over baby.  Let it go.

I would be willing to guess that each of you that opposes these issues has someone in your family who is GAY, HAD AN ABORTION, DRINKS ALCOHOL & MIGHT BE AN ALCOHOLIC, GAMBLES AND MIGHT BE AN ADDICT.

I know more than a few good Christian women who have had abortions and told their families they had to have a D&C.  Go ahead, look around.  They are right there in your family and circle of friends. They lied to you so they wouldn't have to listen to the horrible things you might decide to spew their way.

Same goes for having friends and family members who are gay.  If you don't know, it is probably because you don't want to know.  Knowing or not knowing doesn't change whether they are gay any more than it would change you being straight.

If you don't believe in these 4 things, then you have the right to refrain from doing them. You don't, however, have the right to try & take these rights away from others when the Supreme Court has ruled them legal.

Copyrighted 2016

Caryn Cannatella

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