Tuesday, January 5, 2016


This year is a year of change for me.  I'm on a mission to save as much money as I can by getting rid of the excess in my life.  I want to convert my garage into a one bedroom house and I want to pay cash for it.  And I want it completed by the end of the year.  Big dream; Big changes.

So, here are some of my changes:

No lending money to anyone.

No charging on my one credit card unless it is for monthly bills that I pay anyway.  (That will save me $500 - $1000 a month)

Cash purchases only.   Paying with cash always makes me stop and think.

No impulse buying.   That always gets me and I find that most of what I buy is want and not need.

A strict monthly budget where every dollar has a name.

If you are in debt, living beyond your means, spending money you don't have, couldn't pay for a new car battery because you have no savings, you are a slave.  A slave to debt.

Don't say you can't do it.   The truth is that most of us don't want to do it.  We want what we want when we want it.  We are like spoiled brats.

If you have animals, car notes, big screen tv's, go out to eat, have cable, buy a new cell phone every year, spend outrageously at Christmas, then you choose to be broke.  Choose to be debt free and see how much money you really have.

I see so many people who dream of making big bucks and have no plan or desire to get out of debt.  They think when they make those big bucks, THEN they will start paying off their debt.  HA!  If that dream does come true, the chances of them getting out of debt are smaller than the chance of making big money.  You have to know you need to change and then make a plan to change it.

Anyone can do it.  You just have to want it more than you want the stuff.

Start 2016 by getting your life in order to become financially free.  Check out Dave Ramsey's Baby Steps for how to advice.

I love this quote by Dave:  "live your life like no one else (frugally to get out of debt) so you can live your life like no one else (being debt free and living abundantly)."

I am listening to Total Money Makeover to and from work.   I will finish the book tomorrow evening.  Just 3 daily commutes is all it is taking.  This weekend will be spent working on that new budget.

My goal is to save at least $1500 a month.  I’ll keep you posted!

Debt free is the way to be!

copyrighted 2016
caryn cannatella

Skinny Fiber Sales:  www.caryncann.com

Weight Loss Support Group:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/CarynsChamps

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